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China Logistics Helped Out the Sail of nearly 15,000 Tons of Hot Rolls to Pakistan

Time : 2024-09-20

  Recently, with the help of China Railway Materials Supply Chain Group, 15000tons of hot rolls of China Communications Materials Company Pakistan Qasim K4 pipeline project were successfully shipped from Jingtang Port, and accelerate local infrastructure projects.

  Due to a shortage of international shipping space, stacking flood season, and other adverse factors, customer materials were piled up in the port for more than 3 months. To ensure the smooth delivery of the project’s materials, the Supply Chain Group quickly reacted, formulating logistics plans according to customer needs, actively cooperating with terminals and other units,supervise ship planning, berth arrangement, cargo safety, etc, and coordinating machinery and manpower for the smooth delivery.

  Aiming at building a world-class comprehensive and competitive modern logistics enterprise, China Logistics will continue to improve the international logistics and transportation capacity.