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China Logistics Group Donated 10 Million RMB to Fully Support Earthquake Relief in Luding, Sichuan Province

Time : 2022-09-07

On Sep. 5th, 12:52, the earthquake measured 6.8 magnitude has struck Luding, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Region, Sichuan Province, causing major injuries, deaths and property damages. General Secretary Xi Jinping has paid great attention and made important remarks that saving lives is the priority, and we should make every effort to rescue people affected by the disaster to reduce deaths and injuries to the uttermost.

China Logistics Group has resolutely implemented the important remarks made byGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping, the requirements of Premier Li Keqiang and the arrangements of SASAC, donating 10 million RMB to Luding in support of earthquake relief and post-disaster reconstruction, dedicated to shouldering the social responsibility as a central state-owned enterprise and joining hands with people in affected regions to pull through.
